Sunday, July 31, 2016

Digging deeper with Blogs - Looking into Russell Street School

It is clear that Russell Street school is at the forefront of technology being used in classroom practices.  Their about page discusses how elearning is a part of their  “key features.”  Further the school encourages the use of elearning to better connect the community and the families of the students.  My first thoughts were how do they manage informing parents and making sure students, especially in the younger grades, are using technology appropriately and safely.  But then I came across their elearning page which shared a plethora of documents that provide info cyber safety and help for parents.  This helped me to see all of the ground work this school clearly has in place for all digital work done by teachers and students.

As I looked through the blogs shared on this site, I could see how positive and powerful blogs like this could be.  There was a vast array of blogs for each class.  Some that were written by the teachers, some that shared images of students working, some that shared student work, and some that included student comments.  I found the blogs with student work and images of students working to be the most powerful.  I can see that blogs like these would excite parents and the community and help gather support for promoting technology in the school.  

In addition, the blogs gave the students voice.  Students work was shared through the blogs, as well as, students were able to comment on the posts.  I think it is a prime example of how this school has adopted student centered learning, as well as, promoting 21st century skills for their students, even at as early as the elementary ages.  I’m encouraged by the Russel Street School’s use of blogs and other technologies.  And can see how they could benefit an entire community.  This would be huge in continuing student use of blogs/educational technologies outside of the classrooms.  I also loved that the site shares that the school still uses construction paper and scissors and that “where technologies provide no additional benefits they will not be used.”  Very Interesting!


  1. I also thought about the positive impact their blog and site could have on a community. They have definitely set the bar high for communication!

  2. I too thought about the positive impact that the blogs brought to the schools and the community. Just by looking at the work the district has put in only gives me inspiration to strive to start building the foundation of blogging within my own district.

  3. I noted the comments on various blogs as well Danielle. It was nice to a live working model especially after we just read of the hazards of blogging, where I and many others mentioned commenting as a potential pitfall or at least a cause for concern with our own blogs.

  4. I noted the comments on various blogs as well Danielle. It was nice to a live working model especially after we just read of the hazards of blogging, where I and many others mentioned commenting as a potential pitfall or at least a cause for concern with our own blogs.
