Thursday, July 28, 2016

Russell School Street Impressions

Author: Katie Lauritsen - Boise State University Graduate Student

WOAH! - That is my first impression. Second, I WANT THAT IN OUR SCHOOL.

Seriously, the amount of communication between home and school is excellent and all in one place (thanks to RSS). It is nice to see that the parents can access information daily about the school and each class. In regards to the student and teacher blogs, many more things popped up:

  • Reflection
  • Home-school Connection
  • Creativity
  • Connection to learning
The teacher on many blogs posts current events in their own classroom, such as visitors, current books being read and other resources the students used in the class. This allows for more open communication between students and their parents/guardians. Often times, students come home and get asked the same old question, "What happened at school today?" or "How was school?" and they say "Good" or "Nothing". These blog posts open lines up and allow students to express their feelings about school more.

I like the freedom of some of the student posts, though I feel that some sort of direction may be better - like certain topics or questions, as the younger students seem to trail off sometimes. When they do post about certain topcs, such as my favorite posts "What I thought" and "What I know now" with scanned visuals of classwork. What an excellent way to reflect on their own learning!

Last impression was the fact the students on one blog had posted a video about appropriate commenting on blogs in a video. What an important way to incorporate rules and policies of using the internet with an authentic purpose. Probably much more efficient than an AUP they read and sign. I wonder how long it took teachers to incorporate these blogs into their lessons and activities and how the parents feel about the connection between technology and learning!

1 comment:

  1. Katie, thank you for your post. I also agree that this style of teaching and learning will help to bring students up with strong teaching in digital literacy and digital citizenship and in a much more authentic environment. I would also love to see if they have surveyed their parents to see how they feel about this school venture.
